Marin Headlands,San Francisco

Marin Headlands,San Francisco
North Face Endurance Challenge 2009

Friday, April 30, 2010

Package Pick Up Tomorrow..Race Sunday!!!

Well the time has come...I've been watching the weather this week and it's not looking favorable..not much I can do about it though.
Pick up my goodies tomorrow, go for one round of the the car..then have an early night!!
Bagel and banana for breakfast I think..thats what I ended up with when I did the Half in Kelowna...the place we were staying well they didn't have Oatmeal on the Room Service Menu...So $13 later I got a bagel and banana!! Highway Robbery!!
Wish me luck, few things not working for me however just more of a challenge!!
Bring on Sunday :-)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Taking it Easy....

Well this week is the one I most look forward to..the one where I get to take it easy!!!
Hitting the Yoga Mat for the next few days..hopefully the cold will go...the muscles will be well as the mind..come Sunday....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thought of the week....

Race Day can be full of excitement, expectations (mainly from ourselves),and yes nerves...stay focused and's you against the clock..not you against the person in front of you..who's been running for 20 years (to your 1 )....

Not long to go now!!

Well its about 2 weeks to race day....Heading out this afternoon for my last long run...perfect day out there, so hope all goes well!!
No doubt the nerves will start to set in shortly..Usually do. Going to focus on Yoga next week to get myself in the right mind frame. Then enjoy the day.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Before you make a choice ask yourself,is this going to take me closer to, or further away from my Goal..Anon

Running to Me is.......

What started out as a diversion turned into something I enjoy for the essence of what it is about....the whole point to the experience of running is to be out on the trail..or road, just you and your surroundings, it's an opportunity to tune in..or out,depending on the opportunity to see what you are really made test your limits..some days they really are tested!! To be yourself..not a mum/dad,an employee,a husband or wife. It's downtime from life...
Yes I know so is sitting at the pub drink in hand...but there is nothing quite like the feeling you get once you've completed your run.!!
So enjoy your time out there..make the most of it..never take it for granted..Run because you can.